Your On The Emotions Roadmap In:

Magic City!

You're On The Roadmap To More Joy In: Miami, FL

The Magic City is a lot like you, energetic, carefree, easy-going, light-hearted, free, cheerful, happy and joyous.

Magic City includes vast variety! There’s invention, growth, history, and wild expression alongside peace and quiet joy.

You can tell I love the Magic City area. It is a great metaphor for your particular state of being. It has some amazing variety, but just like your life, it’s not all sunshine and roses.

Living positively for most of your day-to-day can put some distance between you and the people around you. So often, they will say things like, “well, you may not feel like this, but I feel like life is hard and not fair" or “not everyone can be positive like you all of the time,” or worse than that, they seem to disappear…

Maybe your family and friends stop calling as often, or when they do, you don’t really connect like you used to. I know there have been many days when I got off a phone call and thought, "I feel worse than when this conversation started."

What You Have...


There are well-meaning people holding you back with their words and expectations. What's going to happen to them if you keep being happy & they stay the same? Your dreams of freedom & joy are on the line here.


Being Positive in a world that wants you to face reality can be tiring. That tug on you at the end of the day is like when an old-fashioned clock is slow - the tug makes you slip out of alignment, and that resistance tugs at your time and energy.


There's never a crowd on the leading edge. Prioritizing your success has had an interpersonal cost but that's nothing compared to what happens when you try to explain that having it all hasn't brought you happiness.


When life stops being so much, your relief lets you know that you're not really up to speed with the flow of life. Like a garden hose, the pressure builds inside until there's a crack or a blowout. That's bitter-sweet relief.

|"What's Really Going On?"

Let’s face it, it can be lonely when you are living in a positive way, and the people around you haven’t made that same commitment. Being choosey about your community is essential for your long-term well-being but can be hard to find.

Cellular biology teaches us that the cells of our body respond to their environment, and so where, how and with whom we spend our time is the environment you are in and it makes a huge difference in the quality of your life.

Like you, I have felt the solitude of being the "positivity trailblazer" in my environment. It hurt when I realized they can't tolerate so much positivity. Sometimes I even found myself feeling angry or resentful inside because there wasn’t enough space for me to just be happy.

I wanted a place to stop all the thinking, analyzing, the environmental reset to worry, stress, or disappointment. I wanted a place that was more than just peaceful; I wanted a fun, playful, celebratory, and joyous place.

What Do You Want?

Peace & Comfort

You know how you have that friend you can always go to for comfort when things are bad? Now you can have a whole group of friends you can count on to stay uplifted, so you get back to great in a jiffy.

Instant Alignment

Consistently being called back to your happy place without the distraction of messy over-analyzed reality is priceless. Life knocks us around & recovery time matters. Speeding up this process makes a joyous life easy.


Feeling great every day takes consistent practice, but everything changes once you do it for a little while. It all becomes easy. Well, imagine amplifying that with the energy of a group that learns and practices with you.


No matter how happy you are, when life knocks the wind out of you, you need to stay inspired! The same is true when you get in a rut and can't seem to get out. Staying connected to the feelings of peace, joy and freedom requires inspiration.

|"But How Do you Do It?"

I tried so many different communities that seemed like the types of places that might fit the bill, churches, meetups, and professional communities. Still, ultimately, I found that their belief systems and emotional goals differed from mine.

One of the things I realized when I was trying out all those other communities was that many people think that they are very positive but don’t realize that every third sentence out of their mouths is about how some person, place, or thing is not satisfactory.

So I decided I had to bring it myself… once I found peace in being different from everyone else, accepted what I really needed to maintain my happiness and stopped leaning on everyone else to make it easy for me to be happy, essentially, once I found unconditional peace, joy and freedom, everything changed.

I found that no matter where I went, whether I was playing on the beach or going to a dreaded family reunion, my joy was always accessible to me. Taking your emotional state to this new level where you are experiencing your life without needing control of the ups and downs in order to truly enjoy it, is a skill that has been passed down from teacher to student for millenia. If you have the strength and desire to take the next step, it's available to you.

Either Way I'm Here To Help

I have ridden the roller coaster of life in a big way and know how to choose joy consistently. The highs have been significant, from a career on the Broadway Stage in NYC to being CEO of a multimillion-dollar corporation. The walk through the valley equally amplified right down to the loss of my husband and house all at once. Understanding how to live in this world joyously has been the guiding light that results in another beautiful day every day. I know you can learn this too and create a life you love, and continue to enjoy it without hurting those around you.

I’m Here To Hold The Light Of Joy For You!

One thing I know unequivocally is that from your place on the map, moving toward the light is the answer to creating more joy in your life. What exactly do I mean by “light”? I mean, light-heartedness, bright ideas and high spirits.

Having someone hold that light feeling place for you can give you direction, and even knowing as you walk your pathway to a joyous life.

If you want an easy, fun way to change old habits and become the person your inner 7 year-old thought you’d be, the MORE JOY Membership is for you.

If you want to finally let go of residual guilt, shame, worry, resentment and frustration, to feel them lift off of you and to be free, the MORE JOY Membership is for you.

If you want to feel the magnetic ease of people, opportunities and desires coming into your world as you become an unstoppable match to the happiness you desire, the MORE JOY Membership is for you.

If you want to life the life that you're dreaming about right now, the MORE JOY Membership is for you.

What People Are Saying...

“There's a little part of me that's afraid of being content in the life that I built. Sometimes I feel like the other shoe is going to drop. This work with Donnalynn has helped me to let go of feeling like I have to be in control all the time. I found my happy place.”

Dawn Bullett

“The recordings & other tools are the most helpful to improve my mental state. The weekly coaching helped me envision better conditions in my life. My confidence, ability to stay calm and to control the emotional roller coaster have all improved. ”

Danielle Tucker

“I have felt so fully present in a way that I haven’t before. I’m finding a new focus and a higher level of impact, a higher level of service in what I do and what I provide. The results so far have been amazing. I just wanted to say thank you. This has been priceless”

Josh Aronovitch

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Copyright Donnalynn Riley 2022 and beyond